Author: Sylvia Henderson
Providing the people, programs, and resources that build knowledge, develop skills, and shape attitudes on professionalism, work ethics, and leadership in a diverse workforce.
© Sylvia Henderson. Springboard Training. All rights reserved. These syndicated columns are available for your publication by contacting the author at the e-mail link on the left side of this page, or by the contact information listed. ** NOT FOR REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION in any form or format, at any time, without written permission from the author. **
Loud Pipes
You can hear them from a distance. The rumble of a cruiser or high whine of a sport motorcycle. Loud pipes are either annoying or they are welcome warnings depending on individual points of view. Ask a loud pipe motorcycle owner and you will most likely hear the justification that loud pipes save lives. One undisputed fact is that loud pipes are heard.
You can be a loud pipe and be heard yourself. The question is, which type are you: annoying, or a welcome warning? Being a loud pipe is simply asserting yourself and making your thoughts and ideas known to others. The following suggestions help you become the welcome warning.
- Speak up using a helpful rather than accusatory tone.
- Remain objective rather than subjective. Keep away from personality attacks or blame.
- Approach your thoughts, views, and ideas from your point of view. Use “I feel”, “It seems to me”, “I have an idea”, or “I think”, for examples.
- Relate what you have to say to what is in it for the other person. Your idea must offer a benefit to those to whom you tell in order for them to care about the idea.
If loud pipes save lives, then be a loud pipe and make your contribution heard. You could be the saving voice for the next situation you encounter.